1. How to. Eg how to get 10k followers as quickly as possible.
2.Secret to. Secret to writing mind-blowing blogs every time you sit Infront of your computer.
3.What. what to do if you want to flood traffic to your blog.
4.What never. What never to say to a lady on your first date.
5. Plus. Plus the exact phrase that will make her blush, smile and fall deeply in love.
6.Why. why most authors blogs don’t get traffic.
7. Number. 7 steps that will make you will make your blog recognised .
8.Right? Wrong. Posting blogs randomly will guarantee you many readers right? Wrong. Posting randomly without a plan will never be enough, here is what you should do instead.
9. Are you? Are you afraid you will get stuck in the middle if you start writing your book and actually don’t make your dreams come true?
10. Sneaky. Sneaky headline that will break your readers mind.
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